Laser Wart Removal
Warts that have failed to respond to routine office modalities can be successfully treated with laser therapy. The Neo laser treatment involves the delivery of laser light irradiation at wavelength 1064nm, which allows penetration into deeper and thicker tissue comparing to shorter wavelength lasers.
Wart Treatment
Recover Quicker and with Less Discomfort than Traditional Treatments
Remove wart using Neo’s 650-microsecond laser technology
Warts have traditionally been removed with modalities such as surgical excision, freezing or chemicals. But with the advent of Neo’s 650-microsecond laser technology, we can remove it by simply destroying the root vasculature with the Neo laser, thus avoiding collateral tissue damage or scarring as well as minimizing treatment discomfort and eliminating the long healing time from surgical incision.
Simple outpatient procedure
Eliminates risk of scarring
Great for resistant warts
How Have We Advanced the Treatment of Warts?
The Aerolase Neo delivers exceptionally high power for very deep penetration of the laser energy. The laser selectively targets hemoglobin and, in doing so, destroys the microvascular capillaries that feed a wart lesion.
As a result, the blood supply is removed, and the wart eventually dies off. This modality is less painful than traditional wart removal methods, and the laser treatment avoids the damage or destruction of adjacent skin tissue – which can be significant in particular when surgical excision is used on plantar warts of the feet and other larger warts.
Also, the Neo is uniquely gentle with the 650-microsecond pulse duration, which makes it much more tolerable for treatment of genital warts, plantar warts or any other sensitive areas as compared with traditional long pulse Nd:YAG lasers.
The Favorite Laser Device of Skin Care Professionals
The Neo Elite was selected as Favorite Laser Device by DERMASCOPE Magazine’s Aestheticians’ Choice Awards 2015-2021.
92% ‘Worth It’ Rating by patients on RealSelf
95% Customers Satisfaction and ‘Would Refer a Colleague’